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This information is provided as a public service. Phone numbers are always changing, so please consult directory assistance for the most current phone number to the one call center in question.

StateCompany Name (Some names are linked to websites)Phone Numbers
ALABAMAAlabama 811(800) 292-8525 or (205) 252-4444
ALASKAAlaska Digline, Inc.(800) 478-3121 or (907) 278-3121
ARIZONAArizona Blue Stake, Inc.(800) 782-5348 or (602) 263-1100
ARKANSASArkansas One Call (800) 482-8998 or (501) 336-8998
CALIFORNIA (North)Underground Service Alert North(800) 227-2600
CALIFORNIA (South)Underground Service Alert South(800) 227-2600 or (800) 422-4133
COLORADOColorado 811(800) 922-1987 or (800) 833-9417
CONNECTICUTCall Before You Dig(800) 922-4455 or (203) 281-5435
DELAWAREMiss Utility of Delmarva(800) 282-8555 or (800) 441-8355
D.C - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAMiss Utility(800) 257-7777
FLORIDASunshine State One Call (800) 432-4770
GEORGIAGeorgia 811(800) 282-7411 or (770) 623-4344
HAWAIIHawaii One Call(800) 227-2600
IDAHODig Line(800) 342-1585 or (208) 342-1585
IDAHO (Kootenai County)Pass Word(800) 428-4950 or (208) 667-7491
IDAHO (Bonner/Boundry)Pass Word(800) 626-4950 or (800) 822-1974
IDAHO (Shoeshone-Benewah)Pass Word(800) 398-3285 or (208) 667-7491
ILLINOIS (Outside of Chicago)Julie, Inc.(800) 892-0123
ILLINOIS (Chicago)Digger - Chicago Utility Alert Network(312) 744-7000
INDIANAIndiana 811(800) 382-5544 or (317) 842-8378
IOWAIowa One Call(800) 292-8989 or (319) 322-2400
KANSASKansas One Call(800) DIG-SAFE or (316) 687-2470
KENTUCKYKentucky 811(800) 752-6007 or (502) 266-5677
LOUISIANALA One Call(800) 272-3020
MAINE Dig Safe (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
MARYLAND (West of Chesapeake Bay) Miss Utility of Maryland(800) 257-7777
MARYLAND (East of Chesapeake Bay)Miss Utility of Delmarva(800) 282-8555
MASSACHUSETTS Dig Safe System, Inc.(888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
MICHIGAN Miss Dig System, Inc.(800) 482-7171 or (248) 647-7344
MINNESOTA Gopher State One Call(800) 252-1166 or (651) 454-0002
MISSISSIPPI Mississippi 811(800) 227-6477 or (601) 362-4374
MISSOURI Missouri One Call System, Inc.(800) 344-7483 or (412) 415-5058
MONTANAMontana One Call Center(800) 424-5555 or (800) 551-8344
MONTANA (Flathead and Lincoln Counties)Montana One Call Center(800) 551-8344
NEBRASKANebraska 811(800) 331-5666 or (402) 344-3565
NEVADAUnderground Service Alert North(800) 227-2600
NEW HAMPSHIRE Dig Safe System, Inc.(888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
NEW JERSEY New Jersey One Call(800) 272-1000 or (732) 394-3000
NEW MEXICO New Mexico One Call (800) 321-2537
NEW YORK (North of 5 Boroughts) Dig Safely New York(800) 962-7962
NEW YORK (5 Boroughs and Long Island)DigNet(800) 272-4480
NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina 811(800) 632-4949
NORTH DAKOTANorth Dakota One Call(800) 795-0555
OHIOOhio Utilities Protection Service(800) 362-2764
OKLAHOMAOkie811(800) 522-6543
OREGONOregon Utility Notification Center(800) 332-2344
PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc.(800) 242-1776 or (412) 464-7100
RHODE ISLAND Dig Safe System, Inc.(888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina 811(800) 922-0983 or (803) 939-1117
SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota One Call(800) 781-7474 or (412) 415-5000
TENNESSEE Tennessee 811(800) 351-1111 or (615) 367-1111
TEXASLone Star 811(800) 669-8344 or (713) 223-4567
TEXASTexas811(800) 344-8377
UTAH Blue Stakes Location Center(800) 662-4111 or (801) 532-5000
VERMONT Dig Safe - Vermont(888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990
VIRGINIAMiss Utility of Virginia(800) 552-7001
WASHINGTON Utility Notification Center(800) 332-2344 or (360) 696-4848
WEST VIRGINIA Miss Utility of West Virginia(800) 245-4848 or (412) 415-5065
WISCONSIN Diggers Hotline(800) 242-8511 or (414) 259-0676
WYOMINGOne-Call of Wyoming(800) 849-2476
CANADA Alberta: Alberta One-Call Location Corporation(800) 242-3447 or (403) 531-3700
CANADA British Columbia: BC One Call(800) 474-6886 or (604) 257-1940
CANADAOntario: Ontario One Call Ltd.(800) 400-2255
CANADA Quebec: Info-Excavation(800) 663-9228 or (514) 286-9228
AUSTRALIA Melbourne One Call Service, Inc.61 1100 or 1300 652 044
AUSTRALIAPerth One Call Service61 1100
AUSTRALIA Sydney One Call Service, Inc.61 1100 or 1800 642 006
AUSTRALIAQueensland Call Before You Dig Service13 21 29
FINLANDJohtotieto Oy011-358-09-271-1181
REPUBLIC OF CHINADig Center, Directorate General of Telecommunications02-351-2345

Things to Remember:

When a meet is requested by an excavator, an affected operator shall make a reasonable effort to attend the meet at the proposed date and time, or contact the excavator before the meet and reschedule for a mutually agreed upon date and time.

Kansas 811 is available to assist you in optimizing Facility Operator notification areas.

Kansas 811

8100 E 22nd St. N, Bldg 2300-4
Wichita, KS 67226
phone: 316-687-2102

811 or 1-800-DIG-SAFE (800-344-7233)

App Store logo Google Play logo

email: [email protected]

Please Note: Any modification, concerns, or questions regarding a ticket locate must be done by calling 811 or 1-800-DIG-SAFE