This information is provided as a public service. Phone numbers are always changing, so please consult directory assistance for the most current phone number to the one call center in question.
State | Company Name (Some names are linked to websites) | Phone Numbers |
ALABAMA | Alabama 811 | (800) 292-8525 or (205) 252-4444 |
ALASKA | Alaska Digline, Inc. | (800) 478-3121 or (907) 278-3121 |
ARIZONA | Arizona Blue Stake, Inc. | (800) 782-5348 or (602) 263-1100 |
ARKANSAS | Arkansas One Call | (800) 482-8998 or (501) 336-8998 |
CALIFORNIA (North) | Underground Service Alert North | (800) 227-2600 |
CALIFORNIA (South) | Underground Service Alert South | (800) 227-2600 or (800) 422-4133 |
COLORADO | Colorado 811 | (800) 922-1987 or (800) 833-9417 |
CONNECTICUT | Call Before You Dig | (800) 922-4455 or (203) 281-5435 |
DELAWARE | Miss Utility of Delmarva | (800) 282-8555 or (800) 441-8355 |
D.C - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA | Miss Utility | (800) 257-7777 |
FLORIDA | Sunshine State One Call | (800) 432-4770 |
GEORGIA | Georgia 811 | (800) 282-7411 or (770) 623-4344 |
HAWAII | Hawaii One Call | (800) 227-2600 |
IDAHO | Dig Line | (800) 342-1585 or (208) 342-1585 |
IDAHO (Kootenai County) | Pass Word | (800) 428-4950 or (208) 667-7491 |
IDAHO (Bonner/Boundry) | Pass Word | (800) 626-4950 or (800) 822-1974 |
IDAHO (Shoeshone-Benewah) | Pass Word | (800) 398-3285 or (208) 667-7491 |
ILLINOIS (Outside of Chicago) | Julie, Inc. | (800) 892-0123 |
ILLINOIS (Chicago) | Digger - Chicago Utility Alert Network | (312) 744-7000 |
INDIANA | Indiana 811 | (800) 382-5544 or (317) 842-8378 |
IOWA | Iowa One Call | (800) 292-8989 or (319) 322-2400 |
KANSAS | Kansas One Call | (800) DIG-SAFE or (316) 687-2470 |
KENTUCKY | Kentucky 811 | (800) 752-6007 or (502) 266-5677 |
LOUISIANA | LA One Call | (800) 272-3020 |
MAINE | Dig Safe | (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990 |
MARYLAND (West of Chesapeake Bay) | Miss Utility of Maryland | (800) 257-7777 |
MARYLAND (East of Chesapeake Bay) | Miss Utility of Delmarva | (800) 282-8555 |
MASSACHUSETTS | Dig Safe System, Inc. | (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990 |
MICHIGAN | Miss Dig System, Inc. | (800) 482-7171 or (248) 647-7344 |
MINNESOTA | Gopher State One Call | (800) 252-1166 or (651) 454-0002 |
MISSISSIPPI | Mississippi 811 | (800) 227-6477 or (601) 362-4374 |
MISSOURI | Missouri One Call System, Inc. | (800) 344-7483 or (412) 415-5058 |
MONTANA | Montana One Call Center | (800) 424-5555 or (800) 551-8344 |
MONTANA (Flathead and Lincoln Counties) | Montana One Call Center | (800) 551-8344 |
NEBRASKA | Nebraska 811 | (800) 331-5666 or (402) 344-3565 |
NEVADA | Underground Service Alert North | (800) 227-2600 |
NEW HAMPSHIRE | Dig Safe System, Inc. | (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990 |
NEW JERSEY | New Jersey One Call | (800) 272-1000 or (732) 394-3000 |
NEW MEXICO | New Mexico One Call | (800) 321-2537 |
NEW YORK (North of 5 Boroughts) | Dig Safely New York | (800) 962-7962 |
NEW YORK (5 Boroughs and Long Island) | DigNet | (800) 272-4480 |
NORTH CAROLINA | North Carolina 811 | (800) 632-4949 |
NORTH DAKOTA | North Dakota One Call | (800) 795-0555 |
OHIO | Ohio Utilities Protection Service | (800) 362-2764 |
OKLAHOMA | Okie811 | (800) 522-6543 |
OREGON | Oregon Utility Notification Center | (800) 332-2344 |
PENNSYLVANIA | Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. | (800) 242-1776 or (412) 464-7100 |
RHODE ISLAND | Dig Safe System, Inc. | (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990 |
SOUTH CAROLINA | South Carolina 811 | (800) 922-0983 or (803) 939-1117 |
SOUTH DAKOTA | South Dakota One Call | (800) 781-7474 or (412) 415-5000 |
TENNESSEE | Tennessee 811 | (800) 351-1111 or (615) 367-1111 |
TEXAS | Lone Star 811 | (800) 669-8344 or (713) 223-4567 |
TEXAS | Texas811 | (800) 344-8377 |
UTAH | Blue Stakes Location Center | (800) 662-4111 or (801) 532-5000 |
VERMONT | Dig Safe - Vermont | (888) 344-7233 or (781) 721-0990 |
VIRGINIA | Miss Utility of Virginia | (800) 552-7001 |
WASHINGTON | Utility Notification Center | (800) 332-2344 or (360) 696-4848 |
WEST VIRGINIA | Miss Utility of West Virginia | (800) 245-4848 or (412) 415-5065 |
WISCONSIN | Diggers Hotline | (800) 242-8511 or (414) 259-0676 |
WYOMING | One-Call of Wyoming | (800) 849-2476 |
CANADA | Alberta: Alberta One-Call Location Corporation | (800) 242-3447 or (403) 531-3700 |
CANADA | British Columbia: BC One Call | (800) 474-6886 or (604) 257-1940 |
CANADA | Ontario: Ontario One Call Ltd. | (800) 400-2255 |
CANADA | Quebec: Info-Excavation | (800) 663-9228 or (514) 286-9228 |
AUSTRALIA | Melbourne One Call Service, Inc. | 61 1100 or 1300 652 044 |
AUSTRALIA | Perth One Call Service | 61 1100 |
AUSTRALIA | Sydney One Call Service, Inc. | 61 1100 or 1800 642 006 |
AUSTRALIA | Queensland Call Before You Dig Service | 13 21 29 |
FINLAND | Johtotieto Oy | 011-358-09-271-1181 |
SCOTLAND | Susiephone | 800-800-333 |
REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Dig Center, Directorate General of Telecommunications | 02-351-2345 |